The Essence of Human Existence: An Exploration of the Interdependence Concept

Price :- $19.99

The concept of dependence, independence and interdependence has been taken to the extreme to the point that it affects human existence. The extremity has redefined the meaning of human existence, and thereby denied humanity the real essence. In this book, there is an exploration of what those terms (independence, dependence, and interdependence) really mean, and a diagnosis of their impact on human existence.


Allegory of the Bridge - Leadership as a bridge
Price :- $19.99

In the continuation of the journey of discovery for a meaningful human existence, Dr. Alfa took the simple symbol of a BRIDGE to drive home the necessity of interdependence. In this book, the author demonstrated the significance of a bridge as an access and link between two things. Though unique and standing alone, a bridge unites and unifies. The bridge connects and leads to a destination, therefore, pointing to the fact that independence must lead to a destination.

Look Inside the book - "The Essence of Human Existence"

...I was at a wedding (October 2021) where I was called to give a word of advice to the newlywed couple. It was an impromptu invitation to say something and give a word of advice. I stood up and said the following:

In this marriage, eschew living independently of each other be- cause it is a myth, that means that there is nothing like that; eschew living dependently, because it is burdensome; but live interdependently because that is the way to succeed. As two in- dependent people, you must live dependently by relying on each other interdependently if you must succeed on this journey of marriage. Do not live independently of each other because you need each other, otherwise this marriage will have a sour taste. Do not live dependently because you will each become a burden and give the marriage a bitter taste. Live interdependently be- cause that is what life and marriage consist of, and you will enjoy a sweet taste....

Look Inside the book - "The Allegory of the Bridge Leadership as a Bridge"

...Bridging leadership is the capacity to build trust and tap the fullest contributions of diverse stakeholders, helping them come together across divides.

In this book,” Allegory of the Bridge: Leadership as a Bridge”, there is a reference to the significance of the bridge in a world that is so disintegrated, polarized, divided, estranged, dysfunctional, in all spheres of life, be it in leadership, business, technology, healthcare, academics, and the family setting.  The bridge will play a vital role in bringing back together all that has been broken. The book discusses and encourages bridging the gaps that have made human existence more difficult than it was meant to be. The diversity can only become unity in the atmosphere of a bridge. A bridge is the enabler of unity in diversity, and it takes humanity to be that bridge...

Video Promo - "The Essence of Human Existence"

"In the world, there is a great quest by every human being, and it is the pursuit of independence. The quest for independence has been one of the major challenges of humanity from the time the world began. For one reason or the other, humans feel trapped by something or feel like they are controlled by somebody or something, and hence want freedom. A human being craves independence from everything without really knowing what the quest entails..."  Sam Alfa, PhD

Video Promo - "Allegory of the Bridge Leadership as a Bridge"

"Bridge is a Structure because it could be a tangible

Bridge is a System because it is a platform for connection

Bridge is a Service because it supports and enhances interaction and needs. Bridge is a Standpoint because it is an interaction of viewpoints.These will be discussed in the book...."  Sam Alfa, PhD

"It's simply the best guide in the exploration of the concept of interdependence on the shelf today.. get a copy FAST."

"5.0 out of 5 stars In a Time Like This...
Reviewed in the United States on April 8, 2023
Verified Purchase
A tree does not make a forest. Hence the need for humans to understand that we are interconnected and no one exists in isolation; we need each other. This book reminds us not to be consumed by "freedom" or "independence" without fully understanding what it entails... grab your copy."

"5.0 out of 5 stars This is an easy to read book.
Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2023
This book brings the human back into humanity, thus reminding us of the fact that we are on the verge of losing the humaneness in our humanity. Great product."

Chapter overview - The Essence of Human Existence


Chapter 1


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, dependence means the state of needing something or someone else for support, help. It is the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else. It is also reliance on someone or something for support. 

Dependence is a state where someone is heavily reliant on someone or something else.


Chapter 2


Obviously, the word ‘independence’ shares something in common with the word ‘dependence’. However, the prefix “in” causes the meaning of the two words to be opposites. Independence (independent) is described as not being influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, thinking, acting for oneself; not subject to another’s authority or jurisdiction, not relying on another or others for aid or support; refusing to be under obligation to others (Woolf, 2002).


Chapter 3


In my quest for alternatives or complementary factors to independence, I considered ‘dependence’ and ‘interdependence’. Dependence had challenges that make people and nations run away from it. Then I further considered ‘interdependence’. That is where my research found an alternative to ‘independence’ but not at the expense of independence and dependence. There is still a level of connectedness which addresses the concept of interdependence. That is what dependence and interdependence truly mean.


Chapter 4


In some ways, independence is like freedom. One seeks independence from other people or things because one feels entrapped. Seeking independence, therefore, is like seeking freedom from what seems to be a bondage to someone. But we have heard several times that freedom is not quite free, so how can in- dependence be freedom from bondage? Freedom comes with a price and sacrifice. The price one pays for freedom is the privilege to become self-sufficient, and in the real sense of it, humans are not self-sufficient because we are no designed that way. There is no one who can provide everything that he/she needs for himself or herself. 


Chapter 5

The Philosophical/Social Discourses on Interdependence

Philosophically, more specifically, phenomeno- logically, the realization of oneself is based on the self-consciousness which emanates from the stages of life as one grows up. This aware- ness does not rob one of his/her uniqueness as a person, instead it affirms it. There are stages of growth from birth to self-consciousness. I know that I am a human being because I see other human beings like me.


Chapter 6

Interdependence: The African Perspective

SAWABONA“SAWABONA” is a common greeting among the tribes of northern Natal in South Africa, and it literally means “I SEE YOU”, which means, “I respect and acknowledge you for who you are.” The response to that greeting is: “SIKBO- NA” which literally means “I AM HERE” as to say, “When you see me you bring me into existence”. When this happens, everyone repeats “Sawabona” which means “I respect you, value you, and you are important to me” and that per- son responds “Shikoba”, which means “so… I am good and exist for you.” This is the essence of humanity, that the consciousness and realization of one’s existence is aligned with the consciousness of like creatures.


A Synergistic Approach to Existence

From the discourse on the interaction between dependence, independence, and interdependence, we have been able to establish that the dependency approach to living would make life and living to be burdensome; independency approach to be a myth because in the scheme of things there is really no independence for any living being; and that the interdependency approach encompasses both the dependence and independence. This is the synergetic approach to living. The interdependency approach recognizes that while human is independent, the realization of that reality resides in the dependency factor. What that means is while one is independent, he/she is equally de- pendent, not in the sense of being a parasite, but in the sense that the full potential becomes manifested in the dependence on other human beings. It is the interaction between the two that brings out the interdependency of the hu- man existence.

Chapter overview - Allegory of the Bridge Leader


Chapter 1


Definition is limiting as it boxes one into a corner with not much room to wiggle. Description, on the other hand, is broad and open-ended, and it is more accommodating. The same thing happens when we try to define human beings. We are led to be so definitive that we end up bastardizing the essence of human existence. It is also very limiting and confining.


Chapter 2


A bridge is more than a crossing. It must serve other purposes which could be intangible. Bridges can improve communities in ways other than providing better transport links. If projects are to deliver wider social benefits, the plan and execution will need to take a people-focused approach to planning and design.


Chapter 3


Be it in the physical, mental, spiritual, business, and other spheres of life, a bridge represents the following:

Transition and Change – Transitioning from one realm to enter another either in a journey or otherwise. It could also represent developmental growth in a person or a business. It is a change from one position to another. There is a bridge in everything that we do because every movement from here to there involves a bridge, but many of us end up in the state of indecision and that is what gets us in trouble. When we do not really get involved, but we are waiting in the wings, it becomes a very dangerous state because the bridge was never meant to be the destination but a passage. Every transition from one level to the other or another involves a bridge. 


Chapter 4


Allegory of the bridge is a timeless metaphor that has relevance, especially when it comes to leadership. Leaders must be seekers of truth and knowledge. Leaders must be aware of the limitations of their own perceptions. Leaders must be patient and persistent in the face of resistance to change. And leaders must be willing to lead by example. (Tutel, Apr 12, 2023). Many leaders do not know what leadership means, and the failure in understanding has led many leaders to become rulers instead of leaders. Rulers rule without having a relationship with the people being led because they are there to fulfil a function. They find leadership to be a function to perform rather than a service to be provided. In leadership, there is a connection with the people being led. We will examine and evaluate what it means to be a leader.


Chapter 5


Even though we use bridges to connect, they are not stable.

As a human bridge, one needs to relate to other humans in order for such a person to become a bridge. This is so because it is not possible for a human to be a bridge between a human and non-human. That means that there must be a recognition of all parties involved as humans.


Chapter 6


......It is simply that human existence only makes sense in relation to the different stages of existence. An individual stands the better chance to have his/her needs met only in relation to interaction with other humans. It is also that self-actualization is a product of interdependence and interrelationship. This can be explained in the following ways: the Pyramid of Human Existence or the Tree of Human Existence, or the Circle of Human Existence.

Chapter 7


In business, there are metaphors that are used as powerful tools to convey some ideas and concepts that are complex. Bridge is a powerful tool that conveys the idea/concept of connection, collaboration, partnership, and so on.

In business, a bridge can be seen as a catalyst for collaboration. The role of a bridge is to bring two people together, two businesses together and create that environment for collaboration to achieve mutual goals. In business, such collaborative efforts could be through a partnership, forming alliances, networking. 

About the Author Sam Alfa PhD

Samuel A. Alfa is a trained philosopher, educationist, accountant, and administrator, whose interest has been in what makes living a meaningful experience for every human being. Since his exposure to the phenomenological concept in Philosophy, he has developed interest in researching alternative approaches to the abstract methodological ways of philosophy. He has always observed that there is more to human beings than just outward observances. Driving this idea further, Dr. Alfa decided to explore the connectedness between human beings and how that connection brings out the essence of human existence. The inherent nature of human beings draws out the commonality that exists among human beings; and that commonality is more evident in the interrelatedness. In the interrelatedness, the commonality is exposed and finds its meaning. In unrelatedness, the commonality is completely lost, and the meaning of human existence is thereby lost as well. 

Dr. Alfa decided to explore the concept of the things that human beings cherish a lot and attempted to add color to it by turning it into a more meaningful experience for human existence. This is the concept of ‘Independence’. Dr. Alfa discovered that “Independence” could serve a very vital role of serving as a BRIDGE between Dependence and Interdependence. This heuristic perspective generated more interest in researching the Bridge concept and role in humanity and in human existence.  

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